in the spring'18, the club held the second online school of internet studies. materials from all the shool thematical tracks are published on its site.
here we provide links to those lessons, which include bibliographic lists. bibliographies are usually located at the bottom of the page, as a separate text block, or in the body of the text.
unfortunately, these materials are not translated into english yet. nevertheless, most of the texts in the bibliographies are in english.
please note that there are extended references on some topics in the library
- internet in russian cities
how to study internet historyhow to study local media- video blogging: the presentation of self in everyday life
main page with a general list of references
all this hype: how youtube has changed our perception of fame
- state and media discourses about the Internet"
main page with a general list of references
social imaginary concept 1 social imaginary 2 conceptwhat do we know about digital disengagement- parent online communities
problematization of parenthood research on the Internetparent online communities