good books and articles about the internet and all
purpose of the project
we made library to collect literature on internet studies and related topics. the original motivation was to show how the internet can be studied in different ways and to help researchers in Russia find some quality literature about the internet. this is an English version of our library.

you are welcome to share
if you want to share a bibliographic list or recommend us a good article or book, write to us
lincs and copyright
  • if the text or file is available for reading online, a link to the page, pdf or google doc is embedded in the name of the text. if the link doesn't open / the text is removed from the site, copy the link and try to open it through any web archive (for example,
  • if access to the text is limited, you can use links at the end of the bibliographic description. the lead to article bases, where you can read an abstract, copy doi / ISBN or buy text
  • if you were unable to get the text you need, write to us, we will try to help
bibliographies from online-school'18
in the spring'18, the club held the second online school of internet studies. materials from all the shool thematical tracks are published on its site.

here we provide links to those lessons, which include bibliographic lists. bibliographies are usually located at the bottom of the page, as a separate text block, or in the body of the text.

unfortunately, these materials are not translated into english yet. nevertheless, most of the texts in the bibliographies are in english.

please note that there are extended references on some topics in the library

  • internet in russian cities
how to study internet history
how to study local media

  • video blogging: the presentation of self in everyday life
main page with a general list of references
all this hype: how youtube has changed our perception of fame

  • state and media discourses about the Internet"
main page with a general list of references
social imaginary concept 1
social imaginary 2 concept

  • digital disengagement
what do we know about digital disengagement

  • parent online communities
problematization of parenthood research on the Internet
parent online communities
articles for club's reading sessions: "trans- and posthumanism"

articles for the club's reading sessions: I. Hoffmann and internet studies
articles for the club's reading sessions: actor-network theory and sts in internet studies
intentet in sts
  • Bowker, G. C. (2005). Memory practices in the sciences. Cambridge: MIT Press. MIT Press
  • Ford, H., & Wajcman, J. (2017). 'Anyone can edit', not everyone does: Wikipedia's infrastructure and the gender gap. Social Studies of Science, 47(4). pp. 511-527.
  • Siles, I. (2011). From online filter to web format: Articulating materiality and meaning in the early history of blogs. Social Studies of Science, 41(5). pp. 737-758. SAGE Journals
  • Shrum, W. (2005). Reagency of the Internet, or, How I Became a Guest for Science. Social Studies of Science, 35(5). pp. 723-754. SAGE Journals
  • Gillespie, T. (2006). Engineering a Principle. Social Studies of Science, 36(3). pp. 427-457. SAGE Journals
  • Fuglsang, L. (2005). IT and Senior Citizens: Using the Internet for Empowering Active Citizenship. Science, Technology, & Human Values, 30(4). pp. 468-495. SAGE Journals
  • Musiani, F. (2014). Practice, Plurality, Performativity, and Plumbing. Science, Technology, & Human Values, 40(2). pp. 272-286. SAGE Journals
  • Wyatt, S. (2004). Danger! Metaphors at Work in Economics, Geophysiology, and the Internet. Science, Technology, & Human Values, 29(2), 242-261.
  • Sawhney, H., & Suri, V. R. (2008). Lateral Connectivity at the Margins. Science, Technology and Society, 13(2). pp. 345-368. SAGE Journals
  • Zavestoski, S., Shulman, S., & Schlosberg, D. (2006). Democracy and the Environment on the Internet. Science, Technology, & Human Values, 31(4). pp. 383-408. SAGE Journals
  • Shilton, K. (2017). Engaging Values Despite Neutrality. Science, Technology, & Human Values, 43(2). pp. 247-269. SAGE Journals
  • Monberg, J. (2005). Science and Technology Studies Approaches to Internet Research. The Information Society, 21(4). pp. 281-284. Taylor & Francis Online
history of cybernetics
internet and migration
  • Borkert, M., Fisher, K. E., & Yafi, E. (2018). The Best, the Worst, and the Hardest to Find: How People, Mobiles, and Social Media Connect Migrants In(to) Europe. Social Media + Society.
  • Conversi, D. (2012). Irresponsible radi­calization: Diaspora­s, globalization and long-distance natio­nalism in the digital age. Journal of Et­hnic and Migration Studies, 38(9). pp. 1357–­1379.
  • Damian, E., & Van Ingen, E. (2014). Soc­ial network site usa­ge and personal rela­tions of migrants. Societies, 4(4). pp. 640–­653.
  • Dekker, R., Engbersen, G., Klaver, J., & Vonk, H. (2018). Smart Refugees: How Syrian Asylum Migrants Use Social Media Information in Migration Decision-Making. Social Media Society, 4(1).
  • H. Dijstelbloem & A. Meijer (Eds.), Mig­ration and the new technological borders of Europe (pp. 1–21­). Basingstoke, UK: Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Diminescu, D. (2008­). The connected mig­rant: An epistemolog­ical manifesto. Soci­al Science Informati­on, 47(4). pp. 565–579.
  • Diminescu, D. (2012­). Introduction: Dig­ital methods for the exploration, analys­is and mapping of e-­diasporas. Social Sc­ience Information, 51(4). pp. 451–458
  • Gajjala, R. (2008). South Asian technos­paces and 'Indian' digital diasporas. In: R. Gajjala & V. Gaj­jala (Eds.), South Asian technospaces (p­p. 37–48). New York, NY: Peter Lang.
  • Gifford, S. M., & Wilding, R. (2013). Digital escapes? ICTs, settlement and bel­onging among Karen youth in Melbourne, Australia. Journal of Refugee Studies, 26­(4), 558–575
  • Gillespie, M., Osseiran, S., & Cheesman, M. (2018). Syrian Refugees and the Digital Passage to Europe: Smartphone Infrastructures and Affordances. Social Media Society, 4(1).
  • Hegde, R. S. (2016). Mediating migratio­n. Cambridge, UK: Po­lity
  • Kumar, P. (2018). Rerouting the Narrative: Mapping the Online Identity Politics of the Tamil and Palestinian Diaspora. Social Media Society, 4(1)
  • Leurs, K., & Smets, K. (2018). Five Questions for Digital Migration Studies: Learning From Digital Connectivity and Forced Migration In(to) Europe. Social Media Society, 4(1)
  • Leurs, K. (2017). Communication rights from the margins. Po­liticizing young ref­ugees' smart phone pocket archives. The International Commun­ication Gazette, 79(­6–7), 674–698.
  • Literat, I. (2017). Refugee selfies and the (self-)represen­tation of disenfranc­hised social groups. Media Fields Journa­l, 12.
  • Maitland, C., & Xu, Y. (2015). A social informatics analysis of refugee mobile phone use: A case st­udy of Za'atari Syri­an refugee camp. TPRC 43: The 43rd Resea­rch Conference on Co­mmunication, Informa­tion and Internet Po­licy Paper.
  • Mallapragada, M (2019). Cultural Historiography of the 'Homepage'. The SAGE Handbook of Web History. SAGE Publication, 387-399.
  • Miller, D., & Slate­r, D. (2000). The in­ternet. An ethnograp­hic approach. Oxford, UK: Berg
  • Sánchez-Querubín, N., & Rogers, R. (2018). Connected Routes: Migration Studies with Digital Devices and Platforms. Social Media Society, 4(1)
  • Siapera, E., Boudourides, M., Lenis, S., & Suiter, J. (2018). Refugees and Network Publics on Twitter: Networked Framing, Affect, and Capture. Social Media Society, 4(1)
trolls and anonymous
instagram studies
    metaphors and imaginaries of the internet
    ethics in internet studies
    • Ess, C. et al. (2002) Ethical decision-making and Internet research: Recommendations from the aoir ethics working committee. Readings in virtual research ethics: Issues and controversies.
    • Ess, C. (2007) Internet research ethics. The Oxford handbook of Internet psychology, 487-502.
    • Zimmer M. (2010) "But the data is already public": on the ethics of research in Facebook. Ethics and information technology. 12(4), 313-325.
    • Buchanan, E. A. (ed.). (2000) Readings in virtual research ethics: Issues and controversies. IGI Global.
    • Ess, C. et al. (2016) Internet Research Ethics: New Contexts, Nes Challenges – New (Re) Solutions? AoIR Selected Papers of Internet Research, 5.
    • Alim, S. (2014) An initial exploration of ethical research practices regarding automated data extraction from online social media user profiles First Monday, 19(7).
    • Markham, A. N. (2013) Undermining 'data': A critical examination of a core term in scientific inquiry. First Monday,18(10). (и вот целый номер FM про этику
    • листовка с рекомендациями от Assotiation Of Internet Researches. AOIR Ethical Decision Making in Internet Research: Version 2.0
    • Zimmer, M., Kinder-Kurlanda, K. (2017). Internet Research Ethics for the Social Age: New Challenges, Cases, and Contexts, New edition. Peter Lang.
    internet and memory studies
    digital ethnography
    internet history
    web history
    • Schneider, S., & Foot, K. (2004). The Web as an object of study. New Media & Society, 6(1), 114–122. SAGE Journals
    • Dougherty, M., Foot, K.A., & Schneider, S.M. (2010). Ethics in/of Web Archiving. Paper presented at the Computer Supported Cooperative Work Pre-conference on Revisting Research Ethics in the Facebook Era: Challenges in Emerging CSCW Research, Savannah, GA
    • Brügger, N. (2009). Website history and the website as an object of study. New Media & Society. 11. 115-132.Brügger, N. (2008). The Archived Website and Website Philology, Nordicom Review, 29(2), 155-175.
    • Brügger, N. (2012). Web history and the web as a historical source. Zeithistorische Forschungen, 9(2), 316-325.
    • Brügger, N., & Milligan, I. (2019). The SAGE handbook of web history, SAGE Publications
    • Nagel v d E. (2017). From usernames to profiles: the development of pseudonymity in Internet communication. Internet Histories. VOL. 1, NO. 4, 312–331 Rogers, R (2017) Doing Web history with the Internet Archive: screencast documentaries. Internet Histories
    • Scott A. Hale, Grant Blank and Victoria D. Alexander (2017). Live versus archive: Comparing a web archive to a population of web pages. In. Brügger N., Schroeder R. (Eds.), The Web as History. London. UCL Press. Research Gate
    internet and soviet history of technologies
    OGAS and around it
    Cybernetics in the USSR
    Cybernetics in other countries
    Technologies and science in the USSR in general
    • Boldyrev, I., & Kirtchik, O. (2017). The cultures of mathematical economics in the postwar Soviet Union: More than a method, less than a discipline. Studies in history and philosophy of science, 63, 1.
    • Gerovitch, S. (2001). `Mathematical Machines of the Cold War. Social Studies of Science,31(2). pp. 253-287.
    • Graham, L. R. (1993). The ghost of the executed engineer: Technology and the fall of the Soviet Union (No. 87). Harvard University Press.
    • Tatarchenko, K. (2013). *"A house with the window to the west": the Academgorodok computer center (1958-1993)*. Phd Thesis.
    • Tatarchenko, K. (2019). "The Man with a Micro-calculator": Digital Modernity and Late Soviet Computing Practices. In *Exploring the Early Digital*, Springer, Cham, pp. 179-200.

    Russian studies and journalistic texts that cite Soviet experience
    • Konradova, N., Schmidt, H., & Teubener, K. (Eds.). (2006). *Control+ shift: Public and private usages of the Russian internet*. BoD–Books on Demand.
    • Кузнецов С. (2004). Ощупывая слона. Заметки по истории русского Интернета. Москва: НЛО.